I know this sounds crazy but at one point of my life I hated kale. I know I know, I must be nuts. When I was transitioning from meat eating to vegan kale was the hot trendy food but truth was I did not like it a year ago. I could do some kale items like liquified in a smoothie or in those $7 bags of kale chips but thats about it. I knew I couldn’t keep on buying kale chips whenever I wanted (my addiction was serious) so I looked to make them at home. All the recipes I read had the oven on a relatively high heat and I even posted my own recipe adapted from this information. In all of my hope though they did not taste like those delicious bagged versions you can buy at health food stores.
People have this weird internal dilemma that they have to do all or nothing and this approach will fail because it is just too much pressure on you. Please let me assure you that you cannot do everything but you can always do something and something is always better than nothing. It is just about incorporating these foods into your diet and not about going totally raw.
Making substitutions in your diet is important but you cannot be expected to do these things all at once so start small; add those tomatoes to your salad, throw some spinach in your fruit smoothie and swap those potato chips for these awesome kale ones. Believe me when I say you will prefer these to Lay’s any day and they are a zillions times better for you. Mark mentioned that they kind of reminded him of Doritos (he use to looove those chips) but he likes the kale chips better and they don’t turn his fingers bright orange (Double win!).
My recipe is a cheesier and smokier version of Laura Miller’s Kale Chips featured on Raw.Vegan.Not Gross. In case you haven’t seen her hilarious episodes I watch all of them on Youtube.
- 1 bunch of green kale, rinsed and dried through a salad spinner or dish towel
- 1 cup raw cashews, soaked for 5-8 hours or quick soaked (bring water in a pot to a boil, add cashews, put tight fitting lid on the pot and take it off the heat. Let the cashews soak in the hot water for about 1 hour)
- 1 red bell pepper, deseeded and roughly chopped
- 3 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
- 3/4 cup nutritional yeast
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 1 small chipotle pepper in adobo sauce or 1/2 teaspoon ancho chili powder (this amount makes the chips relatively spicy. Omit if you don’t like spicy food)
I love kale and all things healthy but I’ve never made my own kale chips! I can’t believe it myself… I’ve eaten them at a local vegetarian cafe but never at home AND I got a dehydrator for Christmas. Get with it Lizzie. I’m going to save your recipe and test it in the dehydrator asap